FAQ for Parents & Young Adults (16 years and over)

What happens in my first session?

At our first counselling session, your parent or guardian accompanies you for the first 10-minutes or so.  Once your parent or guardian has handed over your care to me for the session, we talk about the issues that are troubling you.  During our first session, we also make goals, discuss confidentiality and get to know each other.

Will you tell my parents or carers what we talk about?

No, our sessions are confidential.

There are however certain legal limitations to confidentiality that are based on safety. If
you are at risk to yourself or others, or if you are at risk of harm from someone else, it is
necessary (with your full knowledge and input) to further discuss this specific issue with
others such as your parent(s) or guardian(s), your GP or another professional.

Does my school or college need to know I am attending therapy?

No, it is your choice with whom you share this information.

I really don’t want to see you but my parents think it’s a good idea. Will you make me talk about things I’m uncomfortable sharing?

This is your time and space to share as much or as little as you want.